Estimate: $3000
Required Traveler's Insurance: $125 (estimated)
North Lake College Tuition: $160

What's Included?
Round trip airfare from Dallas
2-3 Star accommodations with ensuite facilities for 15 nights
Breakfast each morning
Airport transfers
3-course evening meal on seven nights
Train between all cities
In-city transportation most days
All local service charges and taxes
Most sightseeing

What's Not Included?
All lunches
Some dinners
Drinks with meals
Discretionary gratuities/tips
Some admissions
Spending money, souvenirs, etc.

A note on the cost:
While $3,000 dollars is certainly no small amount of money, we have tried to put a trip together that offers as much value to students as possible.

Our "average cost per day" is $150, including airfare, etc, etc, etc. Several others are offering travel to Italy, ranging from $265 per day to $350. (And none go to Paris, either!)

University of Dallas is offering a course to Rome next June
Nine nights in Italy airfare is from Philadelphia (so you have to get there and back) and the cost is $3249 (+ Dallas to Phillie air.)
($310 per day)

Rick Steves' company is offering a 17-day tour of Italy in a big group on a bus for $3495 PLUS AIRFARE (total well OVER $4000).
($265 per day)

Tauck offers a 14 Day Italy Tour for $4890.
($350 per day)